I am so sad that we are home....I just love the beach and it was so hard to pack up on Saturday and come back. We had such a relaxing time and enjoyed the days by the ocean and the sunny warm temps. We didn't do a lot of touristy things this year...mostly we stayed on the beach or at the ball games. We did get in a couple of nights of mini golf because Max wouldn't hear of not doing that!! All in all the trip was amazing and I am counting the days till we go again. I have warned my husband that as soon as he retires we are heading to the ocean to stay forever. So my goal in life now is to save enough for house on the beach!! (smile)
So I guess I need to try and get my bearings again and get back into a routine. It was hard to send everybody off to school this morning but I had lots of laundry and dog hair to take of today!! Hopefully I will get back into the swing of things soon!! By the way...our weather is crappy today here...what a stinking reality check!!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope I didn't bore you with my pictures. I can't wait to scrap some of these!!