So this morning we woke up to lots of snow! Not at all what I wanted to wake up to but it is what it is. You would think that after living my entire life in western NY that I would be used to this by now....apparently I am not!!

I did spend some time creating today and I made this card for the Card Positioning Systems blog...using sketch #110. This truly was a card made up of bits and pieces that I had laying around. It is so fun to see what you can make with what might just have been thrown away. I like how this one turned out alot...I am loving the yellows and brightened up my mood since it is such a dreary snowy day.

I started to pack today...figured that there was absolutely no chance we were going to need to wear shorts and summery things this week so I might as well get them packed up. I thought that I was going to be good this year and limit what I take. Ummmm...that is really hard to do. I keep telling myself that we have a washer and dryer in the room and I can wash the clothes and wear them again really isn't working. You just never know what you are going to need or better yet...what you are going to feel like wearing. Guys have it so easy and all they do is complain about how much we pack!! Hopefully I will figure out a good compromise or else I will be hearing about it when we pack up the van.

Thanks for stopping by today...I hope that you have sunshine where ever you are and if you do....think of me when you are outside in it!!


Linda Beeson said...

Perfect! Love that flourish, love how this fits the CPS sketch.

Diva Scrapper said...

That's a lovely card. I love the flower and flourish..the colors are just soo sweet for spring. Great work!

Elise said...

I love your sweet and juicy little card! I found you via CPS110 sketch: your work is darling!