To Myrtle Beach!!! Max and Abby have a countdown chart (we had to because Max kept asking "Is it today?") And he crosses off a day each night. Last night he said "I am so exciting to go to the beach!" I am sure he meant to say I am so excited but you know he is only four!!

I posted my first challenge over at MMFY and it was a sketch challenge. I was nervous because I never created a sketch before for someone else to use. But after trying not to stress about it I think that I did a fairly good job for my first try. What do you think? If anyone wants to try it out I would love to see what you come up with. I love seeing what the ladies have done with it over there. I think it is so cool to see how people interpret sketches and make them their own. So go ahead and try it just never know...there might be something in it for you if you do!! I just love the picture that I used to create my version of the sketch. Max eating cake at Abby's birthday party...just love the perspective of the picture. Andrew asked why did you use a picture that you don't see his whole face? Because I liked it...that's why! Good answer I thought!!

Our weather is gorgeous! We have had such sunny warm weather lately. It is just amazing what a bright mood the weather can put you in. We have done a lot of working in the yard trying to clear away the remnants of winter. You wouldn't believe the number of branches and twigs we have picked up already. It seemed like we had so many more wind and ice storms this year...they really played havoc with all of the trees. I just can't wait until the grass turns green. Right now it is still so brown and yucky!!

Baseball tonight!! WooHoo we actually get to play a game. Last week the games were all canceled because of the fields being too wet with snow and mud. I am excited to watch but a little worried because the guys have only been outside twice to practice with the ground issues. Hope they can get it together quick. I will be sure to let you know the outcome tomorrow.

Have a great day everybody and I hope you enjoy the sketch and my layout. I seriously would love to see what you guys come up with.

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